" /> Your Life, Your Pain, Your Purpose and How It Affects Your Calling, Dating & Relationships - Chloe M. Gooden

Your Life, Your Pain, Your Purpose

In becoming a divorcee, or single mom, you may have felt that you lost some of your life’s purpose. Chloe M. Gooden shares how pain relates directly to your calling, and can further God’s purpose for your life. She also discusses the role of gifts and talents in discovering your calling, and how to assess your gifts to learn more about God’s purpose for you. She also talks about the impact of relationships on your calling, and how to look at dating from the perspective of living on mission for God.

Chloe M. Gooden Ministries: www.chloemgooden.com

Agape Moms : https://www.agapemoms.com/

Saturday Mornings with Chloe: Is it really a big deal for me to stop sinning since I’m saved? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Is it really that big of a deal for me to stop this sin since I’m saved? 🤷🏽‍♀️ I mean, God knows my heart, right? . Is it really that big of a deal if I keep doing this? 👀 …. I mean, Jesus died for my sins, and I’m saved, so I should be good, right? Like, Heaven is a guarantee soooooo what’s the big deal? 🤔🧐 Hmmm, Let’s talk about that…

How to Recognize, Handle, and Recover from Toxic and Abusive Relationships in Dating, Marriage, and Co-parenting Relationships

“I feel like I’m suffering.” ….”I feel so unstable.”…..”I’m scared to leave.” ….”I feel crazy & confused.”…Have you found yourself expressing these exact sentences to describe how you feel in your current relationship? I’ve been there, and my guest, Michelle Donnelly, has been there too. ..It drains you mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We know how it feels. We know the many nights of crying and pain. We know you feel stuck. We know you feel hopeless. We know you are hurting. We know you are tired.

How to Deal with Loneliness: When Loneliness Comes Knocking At Your Door

Loneliness can feel like one of the worst feelings when we experience it. It can affect us to the point that the decisions we make to fill that void; we often regret.
Loneliness can also be a blessing to reconnect with God and have an even stronger relationship with him. God is always with us, and his love and mercy will never fail. He listens to you, he loves you and will comfort you in the midst of it. Stand firm, praying; with faith that in due time, God will send you the right person that he has prepared for you in His will. However, never think that a mate will fill the void of your loneliness. That is not the answer. God is always the answer.
Do not feel bad about that feeling of wanting to have someone in your life, that a man and a woman are united is the will of God. In Genesis, God saw that Adam had a need for companionship and he gave Adam his helpmate; Eve. God sees your need as well and will fulfill it His way and in His time.

Saturday Mornings with Chloe: What Are You Worried About This Morning?

What are you finding yourself worried about for the day or weekend? A need being met? How you will pay a bill? Or, maybe if God heard your prayers and will provide the answer right when you need it? I remember hearing somewhere from Kirk Franklin “Fear/Worry is Amnesia of what God has done in our lives before…”…….I couldn’t agree more. I hope today on Saturday’s with Chloe, you are able to get a new perspective on your worries of today.

When Your Year Didn’t Turn Out As Expected

When Your Year Didn’t Turn Out As Expected

The New Year is coming up! For some, that brings excitement, while others; possibly disappointments. The New Year usually brings on the idea of new beginnings for many, but somehow we have ended up at the end of the year in the same place we were the year before; or worse. What New Year’s Resolution did you set that didn’t happen? What desire did you speak into your year that didn’t come into fruition? How do you reflect on such a trying year and still have hopes for the new one? Listen below to find out and let’s reflect together. 

When You Are Waiting On Him To Change

When You Are Waiting On Him To Change

Been praying for years for them to change? Frustrated with going through the same issues in your relationship/marriage? Finding yourself making excuses for their behavior? Tired? Frustrated? Questioning God? Yeah. I’ve felt all those things before and I know the toll it carries on your heart and spirit……

Surviving the Holidays after a Recent Break-up or Divorce

Surviving the Holidays after a Recent Break-up or Divorce

“What if my ex messages me Happy Thanksgiving?”…“What do I do when someone asks me about my ex-spouse?”….“What if a conversation comes up about all my losses that occurred that year?”….As I thought of these hypothetical situations, as well as went through an array of emotions, I realized: I am sure I am not alone in these feelings. Therefore, I have provided for you below a quick “Surviving the Holidays” Guide to help you with these up-coming major holidays.