Your Life, Your Pain, Your Purpose
In becoming a divorcee, or single mom, you may have felt that you lost some of your life’s purpose. Chloe M. Gooden shares how pain relates directly to your calling, and can further God’s purpose for your life. She also discusses the role of gifts and talents in discovering your calling, and how to assess your gifts to learn more about God’s purpose for you. She also talks about the impact of relationships on your calling, and how to look at dating from the perspective of living on mission for God.
Chloe M. Gooden Ministries: www.chloemgooden.com
Agape Moms : https://www.agapemoms.com/
How To Break A Soul Tie
How To Break A Soul Tie
When You Don’t Know What To Do
My entire life I have found myself paralyzed and wavering when it came to making decisions. I came across another decision in my life and found myself once again going back and forth and stressed.
I’ve been here multiple times in my life and have always found myself getting extremely frustrated with God. I wanted to know His will in the situation and felt He was being silent. I asked Him continuously, “God, please show me your will. What should I do?”
9 Ways to Know He’s The One For You
9 Ways to Know He’s The One For You
“Ever wondered if the guy you are dating is the right one for you? Yeah, me too. I always questioned whether or not if I was making the right choice and constantly found myself asking others, or researching, what would make the right fit for me. I hope in this “Convos with Chloe” you gain insight on what to look out for when choosing a potential mate and how to know if he is the right one for you. Listen on “Convos with Chloe” to Find Out
Why Women Are Suffering With Infertility
Why Women Are Suffering With Infertility
In this journey of desiring children, I’ve come across multiple women struggling with infertility and I am sure you know of many women in your life dealing with the same. Trying for years to conceive. Struggling to understand why God hasn’t blessed them with children. Miscarriage after Miscarriage. Frustration after Frustration. It’s rough. It’s tiring. It’s disappointing. It’s draining.
You are not alone.
The more conversations I had with God, over a couple of months, several passages of scripture stood out to me about women and children; and God revealed to me why infertility is such a major problem. He compelled me to share it with anyone else out there who is struggling with infertility, and I pray these three reasons will help you gain insight on your journey as well as give you hope.
I hope this message gives you understanding and encouragement, and even if not for you, share with other women that you know in your life are struggling.
If you are in this struggle and need prayer, please comment and we will definitely do so! Also, if you are a woman who dealt with this and have now conceived, please share your story by commenting below as well! I am sure it will give others hope who read it.
How to Enjoy Valentine’s Day & Everyday as a Single Woman
The time has come upon us. The day singles dread the entire year. From December 26th – February 15th, Walmart quickly begins to remind us; Valentines Day is coming. On December 26th, it goes straight into transition for the love month. The red Santa candy is replaced with red wrapped chocolate hearts. The large Christmas trees are replaced with with large teddy bears. The Christmas cards are replaced with “I love you ” cards. It continues for a good two months until another season is on it’s way. Each red balloon. Each big teddy bear. Just a reminder for you that you are still……..single.
Dating Without Distractions
Have you ever asked yourself, “How many guys do I have to date to get to the right one?” We meet a guy, it starts off being great, and it seems to be a relationship that could last forever. He accepts you for who you are, he makes you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, and you can’t see yourself with anyone else. Then, somewhere along the way, the relationship breaks down and you don’t know what happened to the guy you were madly in love with for several months. Something changes. Someone loses interest. Things just aren’t clicking any longer. What changed?
When Your Year Didn’t Turn Out As Expected
“The New Year is coming up! For some; that brings excitement, while others; possibly disappointment. The New Year usually brings on the idea of new beginnings for many, but, somehow, we end up at the end of the year in the same place we were the year before. What New Years Resolution did you set that didn’t happen? What desire did you speak into your year that didn’t come into fruition? Why does this happen and what do you need to possibly do differently for next year and how do you reflect on the previous one? Click Here & Check in on the most recent Episode of “Convos with Chloe” and find out.”
Why We Have to Wait on Our Desires
“What have you been asking God for? What desires are you waiting to be fulfilled? A new job? Healing? Or maybe a spouse? I think we all are asking and waiting on God for something and sometimes wonder, “Why am I still waiting?” Check in on “Convos with Chloe” and find out Why You Are Still Waiting on Your Desires”….
Have You Forgotten your Vows?
Our Country. Our Relationships. Our Lives. Our Jobs. There are so many Vows, Promises, and Oaths we’ve pledged our lives to and it seems we do this on a pretty regular basis. Some of these vows are really important. But, there is one vow that was the most important dedication you’ve ever made in your life. Many times, we forget the true meaning of the words we speak and what we’ve dedicated our lives to forever; Have you?