Your Life, Your Pain, Your Purpose
In becoming a divorcee, or single mom, you may have felt that you lost some of your life’s purpose. Chloe M. Gooden shares how pain relates directly to your calling, and can further God’s purpose for your life. She also discusses the role of gifts and talents in discovering your calling, and how to assess your gifts to learn more about God’s purpose for you. She also talks about the impact of relationships on your calling, and how to look at dating from the perspective of living on mission for God.
Chloe M. Gooden Ministries: www.chloemgooden.com
Agape Moms : https://www.agapemoms.com/
When You Want To Give Up
I can’t count how many times I have given up on a desire or goal due to frustration. I can remember so many instances in my life, right when it got too much, I gave up and quit. I’ve done this in relationships. I’ve done this with jobs. I’ve done this with desires. I am sure there are a ton of situations, or one now, that you are contemplating to give up on; or already have given up. Anytime we find ourselves “giving up”, we usually are frustrated, upset and just plain over it. Over the struggles. Over the disappointments. Over hoping for a better outcome.
Why We Go Back to Men We Know Aren’t Good For Us
How many times have you gone back to an ex that you know isn’t good for you? What about that guy you had 2-3 dates with but you had a good feeling he wasn’t a good person? Or, maybe that guy that treated you like dirt? Whoever he may be, I think we all have fell victim to going back to guys that we know aren’t good for us. I hope in this segment of “Convos with Chloe” you learn why you go back, the dangers of going back as well as remedies to not repeat the same behaviors. Click to Listen.
When It Feels Like God Isn’t There
“Have you ever felt like God wasn’t with you in your life? Maybe you are going through a rough time and have prayed to God multiple times; but no answer. You’ve asked God to help you and change the situation; but nothing has changed. Where is He? Why hasn’t He answered you? I hope in this segment of “Convos with Chloe” you are able to receive understanding, encouragement and guidance, and realize; He never left.
What To Do When He Won’t Commit
You’ve been dating for 3 years and he still isn’t ready for commitment….You’ve been with him to family reunions, weddings, graduations and have met all his friends. You even cook together sometimes and talk every night. But, he doesn’t see you as more than a friend?…You’ve been living together for 5 years, but he fears getting married because his parents had an ugly divorce….You’ve had kids, live together and even have a promise ring, but he still isn’t’ ready for marriage?……Sounds familiar? ….What can you do in this situation? How can you get out of your current mess and also prevent yourself from getting into this type of mess in the future?
4 Dangers of Being Desperate for Marriage
I’ve always wanted to be a wife and mother since childhood. I played house, fed my fake baby doll and cooked meals in my easy bake oven with pride and enthusiasm. I loved it. I couldn’t wait for the day to become a Mrs. and mother. However, somewhere along my life, this desire turned into an obsession and my actions portrayed desperation. How did this happen? How did such a natural and innocent desire turn into idolization? How can you know if your desire has actually turned into desperation? I hope in this “Convos with Chloe” you not only see the dangers of being desperate for marriage but why you feel this way and how to have a healthy balance in your desire for marriage
Dealing With A Recent Break Up?
Breakups can be rough. The ups and downs of emotions. The wondering why they left you or why you had to let them go. I definitely understand. Below, I have put together some resources to help you during this trying time in your life. I pray they encourage, uplift and educate you on the best way to deal with your recent Breakup.
When Your Relationships Seem to Never Work Out
Never experienced a long-term relationship? Or, maybe it seems no matter who you date the same things keeps happening. Break-up after break-up. Disappointment after another. Eventually you have to take a step back and question, “What is really going on?! Will I always be single?!” I hope in this “Convos with Chloe” you are able to step back and evaluate your past and present dating/relationships and get some insight on “Why Your Relationships Seem To Never Work Out”
6 Ways to Know If He Really Has A Relationship With God
How many times have you met a guy and assumed he had a love and vigor for God simply because he went to church? Or how many times have you been fooled because he quoted scriptures and seemed to be the Godly man you’ve been waiting for, but eventually, his true colors came out and you realized he was definitely not sent by God? On this “Convos with Chloe” myself and special guest, Dana Bryant, are going to speak with you about what to look out for to ensure he truly has a relationship with God and/or on a journey of seeking God.
7 Ways to Know He’s Looking For A Serious Relationship
Why are you dating? I’m sure to hopefully one day find a man who will love you, pursue you and one day make you his wife; right? Am I close? Of course, I am! I think we all hope to meet a man that exemplifies characteristics that are mature enough to love and pursue us the way we deserve. But what can you look out for to ensure you are giving time to a guy who is desiring a mature relationship? How can you know he isn’t merely “dating around” and wants something long term with you? Consider this…