When Rejection Hurts

Didn’t get the job you were hoping for? Still haven’t gone out on a date and you’ve been on that dating site for months? Finding yourself signing divorce papers even though you gave them all you had for years?
Rejection. No one likes it. It hurts. It’s uncomfortable. It makes you want to crawl up in your bed and eat ice cream, cry, and snuggle up with your pet, kiddos, or childhood stuffed animal, that make you feel loved unconditionally. Rejection is sadly apart of life and no matter what you do; you can’t prevent it nor avoid it.
I hope in this Convos with Chloe I help you :
Understand What Rejection Is
Why It Hurts So Bad
How to Deal with Rejection
How God Views Rejection
How to Continue in Hope After Rejection
This book is AMAZING hands down. After my break up, I was really struggling. I had lost all my confidence and felt so lost. One of my friend girl told me about this book, and I have been able to put it down since. Definitely a must have.
I really love this book and I highly recommend it. As we all know breakups are very difficult to get over but this book gives us lots of helpful tools to help us get over it and guidance on how to move forward in our everyday life.
The Break Up : How to Let Go of Your Ex, Heal, Forgive, and Move Forward explores the many seasons of emotions, thoughts, and reactions that take over us in a recent break-up or divorce. Hurting from a recent break-up or divorce? Unsure how to process the pain? Struggling to forgive and let go? I’ve been through many break-ups and divorces. It’s hard. It’s a process. It takes plenty of patience and a lot of God’s help. But, you will get through this, and I hope to walk beside you as God heals and comforts you in this process. I’ve learned how to heal, forgive, and let go so I can walk in the beautiful life God has in store for me. I desire the same for you, and I’m here to help you navigate this difficult season, so you can let go of your ex, heal, forgive, and move forward.
- Let go of your ex.
- Walks you through the process of healing and forgiveness.
- Understand and process your array of emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
- Recognize and understand your reactions to the break-up.
- Avoid common pitfalls during the process of letting go and moving forward.
- Reveals how God is turning your pain into a purpose.
- Gives you, applicable, next steps of letting go.
Awesome book and must read! The author takes you through a multitude of thought provoking questions!
Best Book Ever! It really gives you that deep dive your looking for. This book helped me understand I was heeling completely backwards after my really bad break. Trust the process she gives you in this book and it will definitely help.
The Break-Up Session Guide:
- Accompanies The Break-Up: How to Let Go of Your Ex, Heal, Forgive, and Move Forward book by Chloe M. Gooden.
- Includes lessons, journaling, assignments, prayers, declarations & scriptures.
- Serves as the accompanying guide to the Rubies Healing & Letting Go Sessions led by Chloe M. Gooden.
The Break-Up Session Guide continues your healing process and helps you:
- Let go of your ex.
- Heal from past toxic relationships.
- Move on from a break-up or divorce.
- Change toxic relationship and dating habits.
- Learn how to have healthy, uplifting, and fulfilling relationships.
- Build an intimate relationship with Christ.
- Find your identity, love, and worth in Christ.
One Year : Mental Breakdown, Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage, Divorce….
One Year : Mental Breakdown, Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage, Divorce….I realized today it was important to share with you all what has been going on with my life. Some of you have messaged me to see if I was okay; which is beyond sweet. A couple of days ago I shared on my personal page what has been going on with my life out of the obedience of God to be transparent, honest, and ask for help…
Heal, Change & Let Go of Your Past Partners & Pains
Week I Hello Ladies ❤️ I hope you are having a wonderful morning! In the midst of many of us being at home, I know some of us are dealing with some past people and situations, probably even more apparent now, because we have time to think about it. I have opened all...
How to Enjoy Valentines Day & Everyday as a Single Woman
If you don’t get chocolate today......I hope you know you are loved regardless! Don’t evaluate your worth or beauty off of one day! Enjoy today my loves!! ❤️ .... Click Here to Read Blog Post
He Will Provide
I think we find ourselves many times getting upset or fearful that God won’t come through for us.
Sometimes I wonder why we do, because God has always been faithful to us and He has always provided.
Reading Numbers, you see that the Israelites gripe quite a bit to God, and you wonder, “How could they do that after all God has done for them?” They saw Him part the Red Sea, provide manna from the sky, send meat from the sea, defeat their enemies and so much more! How could they doubt God? But, honestly, we do it too.
How to Be at Peace with an Unknown Future
I hate not knowing what will happen next in my life. Don’t you? I am a major planner and enjoy the security of knowing where I’m going, how I will get there and when! Haha. I am sure if we all could have a crystal ball and see our future; we would possibly take that chance to do so. Why do we feel the need to know what will happen in our future? Why must we know everything will go as we have planned? Why do we feel the need to be prepared at all times for any future possible circumstances? I hope in this “Convos with Chloe”, I not only show you why you feel this way but how to have peace with your unknown future.
Happy & Blessed New Year! ?
Unsure how 2019 was for you, but for me; it was pretty rough. Though rough, I had much growth as well. However, I do know that in all things there are seasons. Seasons of sadness. Seasons of joy. Keep in mind that whatever happened this year; it was for a season. And...
When He Says “He Isn’t Ready For A Relationship”
Ugh! That frustrating sentence that we all hate to hear from a guy we love and adore. I’ve been there. You’ve given your all to this guy, and when it’s time for that next step, he utters the words, “I’m not ready for a relationship/commitment.” Where did this come from? We’ve been dating and seem to be on the same page, but you don’t want a relationship? It’s tough. I know. I’m hoping in this segment of “Convos withi Chloe” I give you some insight from guys on what they mean when they say they aren’t ready, as well as what to do when they say it….Listen on Podcast
When You Are Frustrated With Waiting on the “One”
Geesh! Will you ever meet the guy you’ve been praying for? I remember the feeling. Felt like it took forever to meet my husband and I remember all the frustrations before I met him. Dating one guy after another. One hope to another being crushed. What can you do to deal with these frustrations? How can you be patient in this season without going crazy? In this Segment of “Convos with Chloe” I hope to give you some advice, encouragement and hope in your waiting season.
How & Why We Should Date Deliberately
Why are you dating? Do you know the type of husband you desire? Do you have an idea of the type of family life you want? Do you have a plan? Whether it’s dating, or any aspect in our lives, we should have a plan and also be mindful of our actions. If we don’t have a purpose; we will just end up with anyone and anything. If your actions don’t line up with you desires; then your goal will not be attained. What’s your plan? I hope on this “Convos with Chloe”, with special guest Anthony D. Sparks, you are able to gain insight on “How to Date Deliberately” and attain the relationship and marriage you desire