When Rejection Hurts

Didn’t get the job you were hoping for? Still haven’t gone out on a date and you’ve been on that dating site for months? Finding yourself signing divorce papers even though you gave them all you had for years?
Rejection. No one likes it. It hurts. It’s uncomfortable. It makes you want to crawl up in your bed and eat ice cream, cry, and snuggle up with your pet, kiddos, or childhood stuffed animal, that make you feel loved unconditionally. Rejection is sadly apart of life and no matter what you do; you can’t prevent it nor avoid it.
I hope in this Convos with Chloe I help you :
Understand What Rejection Is
Why It Hurts So Bad
How to Deal with Rejection
How God Views Rejection
How to Continue in Hope After Rejection
This book is AMAZING hands down. After my break up, I was really struggling. I had lost all my confidence and felt so lost. One of my friend girl told me about this book, and I have been able to put it down since. Definitely a must have.
I really love this book and I highly recommend it. As we all know breakups are very difficult to get over but this book gives us lots of helpful tools to help us get over it and guidance on how to move forward in our everyday life.
The Break Up : How to Let Go of Your Ex, Heal, Forgive, and Move Forward explores the many seasons of emotions, thoughts, and reactions that take over us in a recent break-up or divorce. Hurting from a recent break-up or divorce? Unsure how to process the pain? Struggling to forgive and let go? I’ve been through many break-ups and divorces. It’s hard. It’s a process. It takes plenty of patience and a lot of God’s help. But, you will get through this, and I hope to walk beside you as God heals and comforts you in this process. I’ve learned how to heal, forgive, and let go so I can walk in the beautiful life God has in store for me. I desire the same for you, and I’m here to help you navigate this difficult season, so you can let go of your ex, heal, forgive, and move forward.
- Let go of your ex.
- Walks you through the process of healing and forgiveness.
- Understand and process your array of emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
- Recognize and understand your reactions to the break-up.
- Avoid common pitfalls during the process of letting go and moving forward.
- Reveals how God is turning your pain into a purpose.
- Gives you, applicable, next steps of letting go.
Awesome book and must read! The author takes you through a multitude of thought provoking questions!
Best Book Ever! It really gives you that deep dive your looking for. This book helped me understand I was heeling completely backwards after my really bad break. Trust the process she gives you in this book and it will definitely help.
The Break-Up Session Guide:
- Accompanies The Break-Up: How to Let Go of Your Ex, Heal, Forgive, and Move Forward book by Chloe M. Gooden.
- Includes lessons, journaling, assignments, prayers, declarations & scriptures.
- Serves as the accompanying guide to the Rubies Healing & Letting Go Sessions led by Chloe M. Gooden.
The Break-Up Session Guide continues your healing process and helps you:
- Let go of your ex.
- Heal from past toxic relationships.
- Move on from a break-up or divorce.
- Change toxic relationship and dating habits.
- Learn how to have healthy, uplifting, and fulfilling relationships.
- Build an intimate relationship with Christ.
- Find your identity, love, and worth in Christ.
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Why Hasn’t It Happened to Me Yet?
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“He is in love with you my friend. You are always on His mind. He knows your every need. He is with you and He will always be for you.”