I realized today it was important to share with you all what has been going on with my life. Some of you have messaged me to see if I was okay; which is beyond sweet. A couple of days ago I shared on my personal page what has been going on with my life out of the obedience of God to be transparent, honest, and ask for help.
Today, I realized……I need to do the same with you all as well.
I will be back soon loving, encouraging, and ministering to you all. I love it. It’s my calling. I miss it. These have been some trying years but God is a healer and soon…..I will get to the other side of this.
“July 2019…..found out I was pregnant.
September 2019 ….had a mental and emotional break down and borderline suicidal.
November 2019….I went into labor (unbeknownst to me) at 18/19 weeks delivering our 1st son stillborn the night before we were going to find out his gender.
January 2020…..we moved to Huntsville closer to my family and hubs had a new job.
February 2020….we bought and moved into my dream home.
April 2020….found out I was pregnant. Restoration right?
May 2020….found out it was a blighted ovum and had D&C surgery and Larascopy….but they didn’t find anything.
May 2020…..divorce is mentioned.
May 2020.….two weeks later I end up in the emergency room miscarrying what was never found in surgery.
June 2020…..divorce was filed.
July 2020….divorce was finalized.
July 2020..…would be the last celebration with my amazing family and friends at my beautiful dream home.
July 2020…..God blessed me with an amazing job that I absolutely love.
August 2020…..moved into my own place that’s peaceful and perfect for me and my puppy Milo.
September 2020……still healing…..unsure what God has in store for me next….
Every time I go to the doctor and they read my history they say the same thing , “Jesus. You’ve been through the ringer. I’m so sorry.” 😔 Trust me. I know.
I know the God I serve. I know He is in love with me.
In the midst of it all He blessed me with an amazing family where I reside. My friends, sorors, and family showed me immense love during the loss of our son Solomon. God showed me my next ministry. He blessed me to watch a baby, whose name means angel, that was the exact age my son would have been and now always in my life. He blessed me with an amazing friend who is like a sister, and he blessed me with the best dog ever ; Milo.
…..I don’t know why, but it’s been on my heart for the past week to share this with you all. I think because I always seem so happy, excited, and loving life. Which some days I am. Also, maybe because I always try so hard to encourage others and keep others happy….but this time; I really need the prayers and encouragement y’all. Some days are easy. Some days are really hard. Some days are hurtful. Some days are joyful. But, I think it’s important that for once I truly share and ask for prayers, help, testimonies of encouragement, etc. I’ve done that for so many years for others and still do….but Jesus; this time…
I know there is light on the other side and slowly and surely I’ve been seeing Gods hands over it all and me getting closer. But, I need a lot of prayer and support.
Sigh 😔 Honestly; just felt good to even get it out. We truly have to stop sharing only the good to each other but also the hardships. We all need God. God shows love to us through others. Therefore, we all need each other. Thanks for letting me share and getting this out. Love you all for even reading it ❤️”
Praying for you…you are such a beautiful person inside and out. I never met you but you have encouraged me on this journey. I know God will restore you according to Isaiah 61:7.
Thank you so much Ndidi. I truly appreciate the words and prayers. Thank you for speaking that over my life and I’m truly grateful I’ve been able to encourage you through the Lord. Gods Blessings hun 💜
I am praying that God massages your heart tonight. I pray that God sends you love messages in special ways and signs. I pray that He holds your hand through this time as He is near to the broken-hearted.Amen
Chloe you walked me through my hardest days and you didn’t even know it. You held my hand right along with God. So sleep peacefully tonight because I am holding yours. My husband was abusive and we divorced for 2 years. God healed him and we have been joyfully remarried for a year now. God can do the impossible. I am here for you. Whatever you need just let me know.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. Even though I haven’t experience everything you have went through, I can relate to the mental breakdown and miscarriage (I had 2). I pray that God will give you strength and bring healing to your mind, body and soul. That God will restore unto you everything that you have lost. Stand firm and continue to trust God during this season in your life. Remember God is your comforter and is there whenever you need Him.
Continue to do the work of the Lord. I am forever grateful for all you have poured into me through your blog and books. To God be the glory.
1 Peter 5:10 NLT “In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”
Love Alexis
Dear Sister,
I was told once by an elder black woman that we black women would suffer in silence before reaching out. That was told to me when I had my mental breakdown this year. I believe that we are loving and want to uplift, encourage and give hope to others because of our hearts. I am honored that we are called upon to lift you up my sister, I know that exposing whats going on in private is not easy. Sisters in Christ have your back.I will be lifting you up in prayer. Better days are coming. I promise . God is such an awesome Father, I know that everything happens for a reason and in time it will be revealed. God bless you, sending love and hugs from Nevada.
Sis thank you for sharing your amazing journey of healing, trusting GOD, and realizing that something is great on the other side! Faith is not easy to obtain but once you have it something you get to grow daily!!! Praying for you! Love you
Dear Chloe
I had no idea you were going through so much. May God through His Son Jesus, restore, renew, and reinvigorate your life into the destiny He has for you. I too have suffered divorce (2) and much pain and sickness. The hardest thing is so much rejection by loved ones. I pray for you to come through this hard part of your life victoriously in Jesus Name. Love Sharon
May the peace and joy of the Lord be your portion. I pray that laughter and joy be your everyday portion. I declare goodness and mercy IS following you now and forever. God will restore your smile. May you experience comfort as you continue to heal. You are strong, you are blessed, you are a warrior, you will get through this, better and greater days are ahead of you. You shall hear little ones calling out mama. You WILL smile again! In Jesus Name Amen.
Oh Chloe! Whew what a year you experienced!!! I will definitely keep you lifted up to God in my prayers. No words. Praying that the Holy Spirit continues to comfort you during this time of total healing.
Chloe, I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this time! ❤