by chloemgooden | Jun 27, 2019 | Blogs
“Have you ever felt like God wasn’t with you in your life? Maybe you are going through a rough time and have prayed to God multiple times; but no answer. You’ve asked God to help you and change the situation; but nothing has changed. Where is He? Why...
by chloemgooden | Jun 18, 2019 | Blogs
You’ve been dating for 3 years and he still isn’t ready for commitment. You’ve been living together for 5 years, but he fears getting married because his parents had an ugly divorce. You’ve been with him to family reunions, weddings,...
by chloemgooden | Jun 4, 2019 | Blogs
I’ve always wanted to be a wife and mother since childhood. I played house, fed my fake baby doll and cooked meals in my easy bake oven with pride and enthusiasm. I loved it. I couldn’t wait for the day to become a Mrs. and mother. However, somewhere along my...
by chloemgooden | May 23, 2019 | Blogs
Breakups can be rough. The ups and downs of emotions. The wondering why they left you or why you had to let them go. I definitely understand. Below, I have put together some resources to help you during this trying time in your life. I pray they encourage, uplift and...
by chloemgooden | May 22, 2019 | Blogs
Never experienced a long-term relationship? Or, maybe it seems no matter who you date the same things keeps happening. Break-up after break-up. Disappointment after another. Eventually you have to take a step back and question, “What is really going on?! Will I...