by chloemgooden | Dec 12, 2019 | Blogs
When He Says “He Isn’t Ready For A Relationship” “Ugh! That frustrating sentence that we all hate to hear from a guy we love and adore. I’ve been there. You’ve given your all to this guy, and when it’s time for that next step,...
by chloemgooden | Nov 27, 2019 | Blogs
Geesh! Will you ever meet the guy you’ve been praying for? I remember the feeling. Felt like it took forever to meet my husband and I remember all the frustrations before I met him. Dating one guy after another. One hope to another being crushed. What can you do...
by chloemgooden | Aug 21, 2019 | Blogs
Why are you dating? Do you know the type of husband you desire? Do you have an idea of the type of family life you want? Do you have a plan? Whether it’s dating, or any aspect in our lives, we should have a plan and also be mindful of our actions. If we...
by chloemgooden | Aug 3, 2019 | Blogs
I can’t count how many times I have given up on a desire or goal due to frustration. I can remember so many instances in my life, right when it got too much, I gave up and quit. I’ve done this in relationships. I’ve done this with jobs. I’ve...
by chloemgooden | Jul 16, 2019 | Blogs
How many times have you gone back to an ex that you know isn’t good for you? What about that guy you had 2-3 dates with but you had a good feeling he wasn’t a good person? Or, maybe that guy that treated you like dirt? Whoever he may be, I think we all...