by chloemgooden | Nov 29, 2018 | Blogs
“Our Country. Our Relationships. Our Lives. Our Jobs. There are so many Vows, Promises, and Oaths we’ve pledged our lives to and it seems we do this on a pretty regular basis. Some of these vows are really important. But, there is one vow that was the most...
by chloemgooden | Nov 17, 2018 | Blogs
“You’ve cried. You’ve prayed. You’ve hurt. But, you’re still there. Going in circles over the same issues, excuses and pain time and time again. Yet, you still love them and keep going back. Why? Catch up with Chloe on “Why You Can’t Seem to Let Him Go” and let’s find...
by chloemgooden | Oct 27, 2018 | Blogs
Podcast: How to Use The Faith over Fear Trail to Overcome Anxiety Click Here to Listen on Your Favorite Podcast “Over 6 million adults deal with anxiety! Wowzer. Nervous about a date? Worried you won’t pass that exam? Stressed about your relationships? Listen in...
by chloemgooden | Oct 25, 2018 | Blogs
Your co-worker stole your new idea at work and is now getting praise from your boss and even a promotion. Someone cut you in line at the grocery store in a rush to get home. Your aunt called ranting about what needs to change in your life and asked you once again,...
by chloemgooden | Jul 3, 2018 | Blogs
After a hot, sweaty and humid day; time to jump in the car and head home. I love going to my car at the end of the day. It’s my space to be alone and unwind with just me, the road and God. I quickly plop my groceries in the back seat, step in, take a deep breath, and...